Prysi Cosmetic Surgery a Leading Plastic Surgeon
for Vanquish in Naples
The most technologically advanced option A Non-Invasive Lunchtime Procedure among the liposuction alternatives. It’s not about what you lose. Transform Your Body! It’s what you gain.

A Fat Killing Non-Invasive Alternative
Vanquish uses a delivery system called Its What You Gain Selective RF (radiofrequency) to direct high-frequency energy to fat cells No Downtime! without affecting muscle, skin, or other nearby tissue.
Real People. Real Results.
“I feel confident in a two-piece bathing suit. I haven’t had a two-piece on in years and I can walk around with it on. I have a form fitting dress on and when I walk down the street I feel confident. Vanquish is probably one of the best things I’ve ever done.” Paige, Female
“I definitely did not want or need surgery. That’s why I decided on Vanquish.” Karen, Female
“It’s not just that other people noticed the results – as in individual, it inspired me.” Jeani, Female